Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So much beauty

I just got home from the theater. And I just got butterflies in my tummy writing the word "theater."

Composed is simply beautiful. I have not see the production as you will, I have only seen the separate elements in development and out of context; the lights as they were being gelled and focused, the costumes in bits and pieces, choreography inside dimly lit dance studios, the dancers in their sweats and t-shirts with hair all over the place.

Each piece of the production is just so pretty. Even though I have yet to see all of those elements come together I am taken by how beautiful, how singularly pleasing to the eye each of these elements are by themselves. It's a little bit like walking through the mall as a kid and seeing that candy store coming up, knowing that in just a few moments all that color, sweetness and fun will be everywhere I look. Even the program covers are gorgeous!

I am so excited to see everything become one work. This production is going to blow you away.

And to top off all that loveliness flying around this weekend...

A very special guest appearance is happening on Friday night only. Matt & Emily Kent will be performing a luscious pas de deux. This dance is the one element I have seen as a complete work. It is absolutely breathtaking. I am humbled and honored to have the Kents bring their beauty to our stage.

So much beauty. You don't want to miss this one.

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