Thursday, August 13, 2009

FCAC Contract Signing

Yesterday was signing day for artists who received Fulton County Arts Council Contracts for Services. Events like this are fun because you get to meet peers from all disciplines and catch up on what they've done over the past year and what they've got planned for the upcoming season. Yesterday was extra special because it marked the 30th anniversary of the FCAC.

Our very first grant was through the Fulton County Arts Council - a time that strangely seems both far away and near. Maybe that's because its not just the grant process that stands out but rather the friendships that were formed with staff members who were genuinely concerned with helping us create a successful grant, folks who want to see artists and the Arts succeed. These are the same staff members who attended our performances or who we see at other performances and events around town. We've had similar experiences with staffers at the Georgia Council for the Arts.

As we get ready to announce our fourth season, we do so with great appreciation to the Fulton County Arts Council, The Georgia Council for the Arts and the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs. These organizations currently provide the majority of our funding.

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